A: You don’t! But you can provide a substantial introduction to the concept of the TEI, and explain how it functions.
On June 4 I participated in PhillyDH@Penn, a day of workshops and unconference sessions sponsored by PhillyDH and held in my own beloved Van Pelt-Dietrich Library on the University of Pennsylvania campus. I was sick, so I wasn’t able to participate fully, but I was able to lead a one-hour Introduction to TEI. I aimed it at absolute beginners, with the intention to a) Give the audience an idea of what TEI is and what it’s for (to help them answer the question, Is TEI really what I need?) and b) explain enough about the TEI so they will know a bit of something walking into their first “real” (multi-hour, hands-on) TEI workshop. I got a lot of good feedback, so hopefully it did its job. And I do hope to have the opportunity to follow this up with more substantial workshops.
Slides (in PDF format) are posted here.
EDIT: Need to add that these slides owe a ton to James Cummings, with whom I have taught TEI and to whom I owe much of what I know about it!